Monday May 21, 2018
Special: Meet the Mystic
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
In this first special content episode, we take some time to get to know a little about our first player, Michael, and we go over the highlights as we create his mystic character, Wamberbash Bensonmum. The mystic is a new-ish class in 5e; it was introduced last year in Wizards of the Coast's officially unofficial Unearthed Arcana, and we thought it'd be fun to give it a try. Psionic (or mental) magic has featured to varying degrees in previous editions of D&D, so we want to give it a shot in this game.
Also, if you haven't already, please take a moment to check out our Twitter feed (@stackodice) to keep up with the latest on what's shaking in the Stack o' Dice world. We're excited to have you join us as we tell this story together.
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Special: Meet the Cleric
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Today we continue our special content series as we get to know our next player, Thane, and we go over the highlights as we create his cleric character, Peter Greyhawk. Magic-using classes in the world of Vardalon are a little interesting at the outset, since magic is a thing of legend and the stuff of tales. If it ever existed, it was eons ago, so picking a cleric is a fun way for Thane to start.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to check out our Twitter feed (@stackodice) to keep up with the latest on what's shaking in the Stack o' Dice world. Also, if you're enjoying what you've heard so far, please take a moment to rate what we've done in your podcast manager. Your rating helps us to reach more people, and if you like what we're doing, chances are someone else will, too. Your positive review will get us in people's ears!
We're excited to have you join us as we tell this story together.
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Special: Meet the Barbarian
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
In this special episode we round out the party by getting to know Meredith, and we go over the highlights as we create her barbarian, Tira Ironstag. As the axe-wielding muscle in the party, Tira adds a no-nonsense, action-oriented, and (dare we say it?) headstrong element. You'll know in no time that she lives by her motto: "No problem is too big for my axe!"
If you haven't already, please take a moment to check out our Twitter feed (@stackodice) to keep up with the latest on what's shaking in the Stack o' Dice world. Also, if you're enjoying what you've heard so far, please take a moment to rate what we've done in your podcast manager. Your rating helps us to reach more people, and if you like what we're doing, chances are someone else will, too. Your positive review will get us in people's ears!
We're excited to have you join us as we tell this story together.
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Special: Three Pillar Experience
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Okay, okay—we were trying to stick to the "Getting to Know You" series this week, but felt it was important to sneak this one in prior to dropping our first actual play session. We hope you find it, uh, rewarding.
One of the things you may notice when we start releasing actual play episodes is that our experience point awards may seem rather paltry compared to what you're used to seeing in the Player's Handbook or during your games. That's because we're testing out a new XP system Wizards of the Coast released in its Unearthed Arcana series last year. Not only does it clean up the wonky amounts between levels (like the weird progression between levels 9-11), but it provides incentive for players to really get into the ROLEPLAYING part of this roleplaying game. Rhett thinks this is an exciting development, and we're going to test it out for WotC to see how it works for us.
We'd also appreciate your feedback on how it does (or doesn't) work. If you have a thought to share, hit us up on Twitter (@stackodice).
The Unearthed Arcana article to which we refer in this episode is located on the Wizards of the Coast website (http://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA-ThreePillarXP.pdf). There's plenty of neat stuff in the entire series; take a moment to check it all out!
Thursday May 24, 2018
Special: Meet the DM
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
In this final special "Getting to Know You" episode, we meet Rhett the Dungeon Master, the guy behind the screen. After being introduced to Dungeons and Dragons at a young age, Rhett has loved the game ever since. As much as he likes to play, he most often ends up as the DM, which is just fine since it's a fun challenge to take on. In this role he gets to combine his love for history, storytelling, quick thinking, and just spending time with friends in a world created together.
And don't worry--actual play episodes are coming starting next week! We needed to take some time to get used to the whole podcasting thing, and we felt these special intro episodes would both kick us off and let you get to know everyone in the Stack o' Dice gang.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to subscribe to our Twitter feed (@stackodice) to keep up with the latest on what's shaking in the Stack o' Dice world. Also, if you're enjoying what you've heard so far, please take a moment to rate what we've done in your podcast manager. Your rating helps us to reach more people, and if you like what we're doing, chances are someone else will, too. Your positive review will get us in people's ears!
We're excited to have you join us as we tell this story together.
Friday May 25, 2018
Special: Tira's Training Day
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
We have one last episode to share this week before we shift to actual play episodes next week. We have some finishing touches to apply before we start, so we'll get those done and be ready to share the fun on Monday!
In this episode, we run Meredith's character, Tira, through a mini gauntlet to help her understand how combat works in D&D 5e. We also see how the militia in Arden really digs into its fairy tale books to wrangle up some monstrous opponents. Certainly no one alive in Vardalon has ever seen these things before, but they're a part of the shared literary and song traditions among the people of the country of Moriga. The best we can guess is that the militia does this to make training more interesting.
We'd also appreciate your feedback. If you have a thought to share, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and let us know what you think!
Monday May 28, 2018
Ep 1 - Arden You Gonna Go My Way?
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
In this first episode, we meet our friends Wamberbash, Tira, and Peter in the world of Vardalon. Things are looking pretty bad in the town of Arden: someone (or something) is attacking people in the nearby forest, the dwarves of Ironstag Delve are trying to reestablish themselves after the collapse of their ancestral home, and wounded strangers are appearing in town. What could it all mean? And what lies in store for both the town and our heroes? Come find out in this, our first actual play episode.
Thanks for giving us a listen; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we're doing. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to give us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice).
Here are the links to those who have helped us out already:
Rob of Rob Ervin Voiceovers provided us with his fantastic voice work. Check him out at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robervinvoiceovers/, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RobErvinVO.
Sweetwater Music (https://www.sweetwater.com/) gave us the right information on our sound board after a long and frustrating search at some of the box stores near us. Thanks for making it easy to get the right rig!
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Ep 2 - Beware of Gruls
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
After meeting under less-than-auspicious circumstances last time, Wamberbash, Tira, and Peter decide to take a trip. Not everyone is happy about it, but when they arrive, a mystery awaits. What lies ahead? What is that thing glinting along the roadside? And what in Vardalon is a grul? Give us a listen to find out!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we're doing. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets more people join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice).
Here are our thanks for this week:
Our Magic Mouth, Rob Ervin Voiceovers, for continuing to welcome us into the land of Vardalon. Check out Rob's work at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robervinvoiceovers/, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RobErvinVO.
Sweetwater Music (https://www.sweetwater.com/) saved our bacon when a recent Windows update blew up our audio drivers. Seriously, folks--good prices + excellent, free customer support = where you need to go for your sound needs!
SoundJay (https://www.soundjay.com/), for a cost-free, hassle-free library of sounds that provided us with the perfect riverside setting.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Special: The Norse Battle
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
At the end of our last actual play episode, you may have heard a segment that is new in your experience of tabletop games: the Norse Battle. This special episode shares exactly what this segment is for, where it comes from, and why we like to use it as a way to wrap up each game. Once you've listened to it, please share what you think about it, and if you use something similar, we'd love to know how you use it.
As always, we want to thank you for sharing your listening time with us; we appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we're doing. We're having fun sharing the growing world of Vardalon with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets more people join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice).
Finally, here are the links to some various Beowulf translations:
The Howell Chickering translation, complete with facing page translation
The Lesslie Hall translation available freely through Project Gutenberg
The Tolkien prose translation
The Seamus Heaney treatment (aka Heaneywulf) that plays fast and loose with the text, but for the sake of giving it a strong poetic feel
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Ep 3 - Everybody was Bandit Fighting
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
In our last episode, Wamberbash led his new friends to his woodland home, only to find that his beloved spoon was nowhere in sight. After a fruitless search and a nighttime journey fraught with bad dice rolls, they spotted a fire in a clearing up ahead. What lies in the clearing? Will Wamberbash ever find his spoon? Did you remember to pack your puer cha? Let's find out together in this episode!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets more people join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice). Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
As always, Rob of Rob Ervin Voiceovers continues to give us a smooth welcome to the land of Vardalon. Check out Rob's work at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robervinvoiceovers/, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RobErvinVO.
We warmly welcome our growing list of followers on Twitter. Each new follower lets us know that we're creating a fun story that has some meaning, even if it's just to provide a bit of entertainment for a few minutes on a basis that isn't as constant as we'd like. We welcome your comments, and appreciate that you've taken the time to stop in!
The Creative Commons sound effects from Isolation Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgRvVq8mStE) that we used throughout this episode. Your work has helped us add some pizazz to the episode, and we thank you!
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Ep 4 - Going Stag
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
In the previous episode we followed our heroes through a terrible fight in the forest. When the dust settles, they need to figure out what happens next, now that it seems their task is done. What will they do with their mysterious prisoner? Why is the forest acting so strangely? Will Wamberbash ever find another notebook? Let's find out together in this episode!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
Rob of Rob Ervin Voiceovers welcomes us to the land of Vardalon. Check out his stellar work at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robervinvoiceovers/, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RobErvinVO.
We have our first five star review on iTunes! Thanks for the kind words, bransomiffic. We also continue to welcome our growing list of followers on Twitter. Each new follower lets us know that we're creating a fun story that has some meaning, even if it's just to provide a bit of entertainment for a few minutes each week. We welcome your comments, and appreciate that you've taken the time to stop in!
We also used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
splashing footsteps.mp3 is a copyright of user soundmary
wolf-growl.wav is a copyright of newagesoup
Click.wav is a copyright of lebaston100
WOOD CHOPPING_ Chopping hard wood with metal Axe (SFX).wav is a copyright of GuntherDorksen
Woodland Stream March 2016.wav is a copyright of plantmonkey
Bushwalking sounds.m4a is a copyright of TheScarlettWitch89
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
Dark Ambient Music 3: Hunted is a copyright of Xanco123
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Ep 5 - Challenge Accepted
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
After talking with a mysterious being with ties to Tira's ancestor, the party moves on to face a daunting challenge high in the mountains overlooking Arden. A series of puzzles awaits them in a place that's been undisturbed for centuries. What will they find there? What lies at the challenge's end? What perils could possibly await our friends? Listen in to this episode to find out!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
Rob of Rob Ervin Voiceovers welcomes us to the land of Vardalon. Check out his stellar work at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robervinvoiceovers/, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RobErvinVO.
The retweets and love we've gotten on Twitter. Five weeks in, and our little show is slowly growing. We'd love to hear from you!
We also used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Porte pierre 2.wav is a copyright of Slanesh
Orchestral Strings, Warm, A.wav is a copyright of InspectorJ
Abstract background music is a copyright of hifijohn
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
Electric Shock.wav is a copyright of GlenCurtisAdams
Boom Bang is a copyright of bareform
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Special: IT'S A PARTY! Welcome to Level 2
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
It's a party, and you're invited!
Adventuring is hard. That's why it's important to celebrate achievements! We'll record a special leveling episode each time the party levels. This is the first in what (we hope) will be plenty of level-up celebrations.
Follow the leveling process as we talk through what benefits Tira, Womberbash, and Peter gain for hitting this milestone. From squat thrusts to HP envy, this episode has it all!
As a reminder, the Unearthed Arcana article pertinent to Wizards' in-development Mystic class is located at https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UAMystic3.pdf. Check it out to see if it will fit into your own campaign!
As always, thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your words of support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you prefer email, send us game questions or comments at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Creation Corner: Feelin' Smurfy: Creating NPCs on the fly
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Do one-dimensional NPCs in your games have you feeling. . . blue? In this special episode, Rhett wants to share a really neat NPC creation technique. The original idea comes from an interview between Satine Phoenix and Taliesin Jaffe in an episode of Satine's excellent GM Tips series.
GM Tips video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQZR4smjUEc
This video inspired Rhett to create a spreadsheet version of the technique Taliesin introduced, but with a slight twist: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Ai_DSO_CT_ACg4Ao9hDNfPcymdn7rw
To use the spreadsheet, first save it to your computer. Click on the ellipsis (...) in the upper right corner of the screen, then choose to Save a Copy.
Once you have the sheet, simply type anything into the grey cell, then press Enter. This will cause the sheet to recalculate, generating a new NPC persona. Anytime you change the contents of the grey cell and press Enter, the sheet will update. If you want to make changes to the contents, just follow your spreadsheet program's instructions to unlock the spreadsheet first. There is no password.
Use it in your game, and have a great time with the result! How does it work out for you? Did it lead to any fun experiences? Let us know!
As always, thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your words of support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you prefer email, send us game questions or comments at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Ep 6 - Rock this Town
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
As a refreshing mountain breeze atop the Three Sisters plays through our heroes' hair, they find themselves faced with a difficult decision. A great prize and an important task lie on the other side of this choice, heralding a difficult time ahead. What is this all about? Whatever will our heroes do? And was that really a pickup line Wamberbash threw out there? Listen in now and see for yourself!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time!
If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
Rob of Rob Ervin Voiceovers welcomes us to the land of Vardalon. Check out his stellar work at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/robervinvoiceovers/, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RobErvinVO.
Our growing number of listeners. Seeing your interest in our little show is immensely encouraging!
We also used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Minor Key Music Box is a copyright of DarkWaryurMC
Draw Bridge Lower is a copyright of hykenfreak
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Ep 7 - Hard Attack
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Trouble is brewing in the tiny, remote town of Arden as bandits threaten the villagers' way of life. The heroes ready their weapons as the mayor rallies the desperate townspeople in the only defensive structure they have--the palisade on the Rock. What fearsome foes will our heroes face? Who will survive the day? Find out in this brand new episode!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
What a week for exposure! We've found new friends on Twitter, and our little family is slowly growing. We appreciate your interest, and we value your interaction on Twitter or by email. For those who have reached out to us with feedback, we sure do love what you've had to say. It helps us improve as we go, and we want to be among the best.
We also used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Cry of great public 01.wav is a copyright of klankbeeld
Rowdy crowd.wav is a copyright of xtrgamr
Helmutscream_short.wav is a copyright of creativeheroes
Battle Horn is a copyright of Porphyr
Poison Spell Magic is a copyright of qubodup
Orchestral Strings, Warm, A.wav is a copyright of InspectorJ
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
TribalDrums.wav is a copyright of HerbertBoland
01161 Boar oink 3.wav is a copyright of Robinhood76
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Ep 8 - Puttin' on the Ritz
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
After the fight with the bandits in the previous episode, the heroes now have to deal with some very real consequences of the things they experienced during their first big battle. Questions arise, clothes are changed, and horse water is discovered. See what happens now by tuning in!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
Twitter continues to amaze, with likes and follows coming weekly. We appreciate your support, and ask you to spread the word to friends and family! The easiest way to do this is to leave us a five-star review on iTunes. Show us some love, and we'll mention your name at the end of an episode!
Thanks to the entire cast of Stack o' Dice for making the show so much fun to roll out each week.
Though we're eligible to start using BattleBards sounds in our podcast, we didn't have time to incorporate any this week. We did, however, use some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Dunk_water_009.wav is a copyright of johonbravo
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
TribalDrums.wav is a copyright of HerbertBoland
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Ep 9 - Get this Party Started
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
It's party time for Tira, Womberbash, and Peter. The Heroes of Arden make their way to the village green and engage in several different important conversations with those close to them. This evening of recognition is an important step in the lives of these young adventurers, but something much deeper awaits them at the Great Stag Inn.
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
Our admin site tells us we had a nibble from Kuwait! How exciting is that?!
Freesound.org for making an amazing selection of great sounds available FOR FREE. See below for the sounds we used.
The players continue to provide the encouragement the DM needs to keep this story going. Applause is truly the sweetest repayment!
Though we're eligible to start using BattleBards sounds in our podcast, we didn't incorporate any this week. We did, however, use some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Applause 2 is a copyright of VlatkoBlazek
Chair2.wav is a copyright of lezaarth
Dark Ambient Music 1 is a copyright of Xanco123
Minor Key Music Box is a copyright of DarkWaryurMC
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
TribalDrums.wav is a copyright of HerbertBoland
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Ep 10 - The Road to Nowhere
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
The party's hopes for a restful night's sleep have been dashed by a disturbing dream unlike any they've ever had. The question of what it all means is on our heroes' minds as they set forth at last to Flenmoor, the large city to the north. They hope to find answers there. But a long road lies ahead, and the country is still quite wild. Join us as we continue our exciting story together!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
@jongrahar for engaging us with a fascinating question on Twitter. Thanks for taking the time to share your question, and for giving us some valuable insights!
Freesound.org for making an amazing selection of great sounds available FOR FREE. See below for the sounds we used.
Though we're eligible to start using BattleBards sounds in our podcast, we didn't incorporate any this week. We did, however, use some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Waterfall.wav is a copyright of cosmo235
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
Dinner table ambience.wav is a copyright of Mr_Alden
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Special: 10th Episode Introspective
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Part of the reason behind this podcast is to share what we're learning both about D&D and podcasting as we go. To celebrate our first mini-milestone of hitting the 10th episode, we talk about some of the things we're figuring out about our characters as well as the podcasting scene in general.
If this discussion prompts any game-related questions in your mind, share them with us on Twitter (@stackodice) or by email (stack.o.dice@gmail.com). We'd love to hear from you, and will try to answer them in future episodes. If we get enough, we might dedicate an entire episode to answering questions, but one step at a time!
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Ep 11 - On the Road (Again)
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
The journey continues for Tira, Womberbash, and Peter as they make their way to Flenmoor. But a detour to a mysterious place along the way leads to an unsettling experience. Will they be able to carry out the first part of the Stag's quest? Is there safety to be had in the discomfort of travel? What is that glow on the horizon? Listen in now to find out!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
We want to thank Rob Ervin again for his voice work that kicks off each show. Reasonable rates, excellent results, and it gives your show a polish you'll love. Check him out at http://robervinvoiceovers.com/ right now!
Freesound.org makes an amazing selection of great sounds available FOR FREE. See below for the sounds we used.
Though we're eligible to start using BattleBards sounds in our podcast, we didn't incorporate any this week. We did, however, use some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Dogs growling.wav is a copyright of juskiddink
EerieAmbience4.wav is a copyright of RichardCulver
Crowd Screaming, A.wav is a copyright of InspectorJ
Horse carriage 1-edited.mp3 is a copyright of j_o_j
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Creation Corner: The DM's Well of Inspiration, Part I
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
It's almost inevitable--one day, the DM's well of inspiration will run dry. Or perhaps you're a new DM, and feel daunted by the task that lies ahead? Either way, in this special episode we offer some places from which you can draw inspiration in coming up with ideas.
We had originally intended to release this episode later on in our run, but after a week of questions and interactions with some brilliant friends on Twitter, we thought it might be better to release it now. Join us as we talk about a few things that keep us going!
In particular, we mention:
Dragon Talk, an official D&D podcast that covers all aspects of gaming
The DM's Block, a great podcast resource for getting new ideas on how to run a game
Sneak Attack, a fantastic actual play podcast that we've really enjoyed listening to
The DM's Craft, a YouTube channel where a DM shows fun ways to make actual props for games
There are certainly more avenues to explore, and perhaps we'll do that in a later special episode, but for now, please enjoy our humble offering!
And if you like what you hear, please take a moment to leave us a five star rating on iTunes--it will help connect us with other gamers.
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Ep 12 - You Can Always Go Downtown
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Arriving at last at the gates of Flenmoor, the party has to find its way to the next step of the Stag's quest. But the city is larger than most of them are used to, and getting around on crowded streets can be a perilous thing, especially in a city like Flenmoor. Where is the library? Who's that skulking in the alley? Is Peter really that cold-hearted? Find out now in this week's episode!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
We're having fun getting to know an amazing group of friends on Twitter. Your comments, DM discussions, and thoughtful questions are helping us to improve each week. Keep up the conversation!
Zowie! Thank you, Battlebards, for offering a great collection of sounds for use in podcasts. Thanks for making it possible to add extra depth to our games!
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Man oof.wav is a copyright of xtrgamr
We also used our first batch of Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on everything you buy from them.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Large City - City of Trade in Day, by Olivier Girardot
Mace Deflected by Wood Shield, by Pablo Betancourt
Breaking - Simple Mace Sundered, by Pablo Betancourt
Shortbow Arrow Hits Chainmail, by Jean-Baptiste
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Ep 13 - At the Library
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
A chance meeting in the city of Flenmoor has given our heroes a leg up (and a new look). Now they push on to the city's library to discover the meaning of the Jewels of Edelenn. The city still has its share of surprises, though. What lies in store in the library? What are these jewels of Edelenn? Will the party ever get rid of Rebec's luggage? Find out now in this week's episode!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've put together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
New followers are appearing around the country. Thanks for joining our ongoing story, and we hope you enjoy the story as much as we do!
Dice Envy (@DiceEnvy or diceenvy.com), for partnering with us on a magnificent giveaway. We give more details at the beginning of this show.
The Gang of DMs, our completely made-up name for the informal group of talented DMs working together to share ideas on how to improve our games. We're sharpening each other!
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Fountain.wav is a copyright of mikaelfernstrom
Fanfare1.flac is a copyright of n2p5
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Large City - City of Trade in Day, by Olivier Girardot
Large City - Civilization During Day, by Pablo Betancourt
Elven Dirge - Ma Serannas, by Mario Luengo
Walking on Stone in Platemail, by Olivier Girardot
Heavenly Plane - Divine Beauty, by Maarten Bonder
Forgotten Chamber - Chamber of the Fey-King, by Jarrod Royles
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Ep 14 - Quietly Making Noise
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
The party pushes on from Flenmoor's library and now must figure out what to do next. They need to find a place where they can discuss things in a meaningful way, but first they have an errand to take care of. It's a day for catching up with friends past and present as they wander into the poorer part of the city. Where will they head next? What happens to Tira's fabulous shirt? Find out now in this week's episode!
Thanks for sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what our talented players have created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Our thanks for the week:
We are thrilled with getting to know our new Instagram friends! Our account's been running for just over a week, and we're already seeing lots of activity. Thanks so much for joining our story, and we can't wait to share more Stack o' Dice goodness with you there!
We continue to thank Dice Envy (@DiceEnvy or diceenvy.com), for partnering with us on a magnificent giveaway. We give more details at the beginning of this show and on our Twitter and Instagram feeds.
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for free royalty-free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Sharpen_04.aiff is a copyright of tim.kahn
Plywood_Prying_01.wav is a copyright of dheming
Accordion Improvisation 02.wav is a copyright of Tristan_Lohengrin
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Large City - Civilization During Day, by Pablo Betancourt
Easy Going Tavern - Black Bear Tavern, by Moises Alvarez
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.