Monday Mar 07, 2022
Ep 118 - Whatta Man
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Ep 118: The party gets a close-up view of life in a resistance camp in the mountains north of Seragavan. With various tasks out of the way, the party can now focus on the more pressing matter of helping the resistance in its fight. But who is the mysterious stranger that has appeared? Listen now to find out!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Bow Releases.wav is a copyright of Benboncan
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Boss Fight Theme - Cradle of Evil - Score Music, by Stefano Vita
Fighter Academy - Halls of the Battleborn - Score Music, by Phil Archer
Great City - Glory Castle - Score Music, by Ben Chandler
Shortbow Arrow Hits Chainmail, by Jean-Baptiste
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Creation Corner: Worldbuilders, featuring Koldik
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Creation Corner: We continue our Creation Corner series with our first international guest, Koldik Steelskin. Join us as we discuss an interesting take on magic, and how that can help shape the story in a fantasy world.
To interact with Koldik about his worldbuilding efforts and ideas, you can find him on Twitter at @KoldikSteelskin.
Also, if you'd like to join our family friendly Discord server, please check us out at https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Creation Corner: Worldbuilders, featuring Jonathan
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Creation Corner: Our experience through our four-year run has led to many new friendships. We continue our Worldbuilder series with one of these friends, fellow DM and podcaster, Jonathan. Join us as we discuss his experience with worldbuilding and learn about some of his thoughts on the process.
To interact with Jonathan about his worldbuilding efforts and ideas, you can find him on Twitter at @jongrahar. He also keeps a blog about his work in developing his homebrewed world of Bonsárel and DMing in general on https://sojournersawake.com. And if you're looking for more family-friendly content, definitely check out his podcast, which is also called Sojourners Awake, on all major platforms.
Finally, we invite you to join our family friendly Discord server! Please check us out at https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Ep 119 - Best Laid Plans
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Ep 119: Time has become the enemy as the shadowy Sekretny Nizh must move against the Reaver's forces to free important prisoners. What plan will the party come up with to help win the freedom of the imperiled resistance fighters? Listen now to find out!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
None of the Creative Commons sound effects we used this week require attribution, but be sure to check out freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We did use some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Elven Dirge - Immortal's End - Score Music, by Eric Richards
Elven Dirge - Qi Taelnna - Score Music, by Phil Archer
Great City - Glory Castle - Score Music, by Ben Chandler
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Creation Corner: Worldbuilders, featuring Dave
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Creation Corner: This week we get a chance to share some time with Worldbuilder Dave, the dungeon master for the Tomes of the Chaos Bard podcast. Listen in for some great thoughts on how to build incrementally, playing to your strengths to build a living, reactive world that grows with the players and the game's events.
Dave and I met through @TTRPGkids, a Twitter account that provides a list of family-friendly podcasts. If you're looking to add to your list of RPG adventure for all ages, be sure to check it out now!
To find out more about the podcast, check them out on Twitter at @ChaosBardPod or on Instagram at @tomesofthechaosbard. To directly interact with Dave, you can catch him through the podcast's email address (chaosbardpod@gmail.com) or on Twitter at @GreyJedi505.
Finally, we invite you to join our family friendly Discord server! Please check us out at https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Creation Corner: Worldbuilders, Featuring Sarah
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Creation Corner: This week we get a chance to share some time with Worldbuilder Sarah, an aspiring author of fantasy fiction. In this episode, we take on the topic of the differences between writing for a reading audience and for players in an interactive environment, and how the two not only differ, but can grow from each other.
Sarah is a busy creator and is ready to share her work with you! If you're interested in learning more, you can find her in these places:
Website: https://www.storiesbysarahdanielle.com/
Forsaken by Shadows (Audio): https://sarahdanielle.substack.com/
Forsaken by Shadows (YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XGSBnGt99GlsxxtWaulTQ
Full Linktree: https://linktr.ee/StoriesbySarahDanielle
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/storiesbysarahdanielle/
Twitter: @Stories_bySarah
Finally, we invite you to join our family friendly Discord server! Please check us out at https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Special: Table Shenanigans
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Special: Join us for a sneak peek at the rambling discourse that often accompanies our recording sessions. There are some very light spoilers at the beginning, but mostly it's travel and words of the day and show tune nerdery. We hope you like this special episode, and that it brings a smile to your face.
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Ep 120 -No One Knows My Plan
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Ep 120: The planning is over, and now it's time to execute. The party must split to begin the work, but will all go according to the original plan? Who can tell with Wamberbash on his own? Listen now to find out!
We have a Discord server! If you want to interact with us in real time, meet fellow Stackers, and keep up with the latest in Stack o' Dice news, be sure to join us. Grab your invitation now right here: https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E
In this episode, we are thrilled to use some custom maps from longtime friend of the show Pat, from Foot of the Mountain Adventures. If you're looking for hand-drawn maps to use in your own game, be sure to check him out on Twitter @mountain_foot and on Patreon.
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
None of the Creative Commons sound effects we used this week require attribution, but be sure to check out freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We did use some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
The Forge, by Wes Otis
Summon Wind, by Wes Otis
Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Ground - Score Music, by Marc Cholette
Horse Riding, by Wes Otis
Vestige of Eons - Ancient Stone Circle - Score Music, by Owen Heritage
Fish Market - Fantasy Wharf, by Olivier Girardot
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Ep 121 - Song of the Sewer
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Ep 121: Plans go awry when the heroes arrive at the prison. It's going to be a tough situation, and everything hinges on one person's decisions. What will happen next? Listen now to find out!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Water Drip Loop [mono] is a copyright of DWOBoyle
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Horse Riding, by Wes Otis
Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds - Score Music, by Marc Cholette
Sewers - Old City Sewers, by Phil Archer
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Special - Product Review: Better Backstories
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Special: This episode marks a first-of-its-kind opportunity for Stack o' Dice--we get to do a product review! After a great exchange on Twitter, we were able to arrange for a trial of the Better Backstories deck. This 88-card deck offers a rich but easy way to add randomized flavor to just about any aspect of your game. It may be geared primarily to help with coming up with multi-dimensional characters, but use it to beef up an event or a place also. Listen in now for a walkthrough of the product, to include some hands-on examples.
If you like the review, be sure to drop in and order a set on Better Backstories now (https://www.betterbackstories.com/). There are several different levels of deck to choose from, so take a look today! Also, check out the unboxing pictures on our social media sites (see below).
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday May 02, 2022
Ep 122 - From the Prison
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Ep 122: The chaos continues as the party plays against high stakes. Lives are on the line, and that requires a delicate hand. Will they work together to make it happen? Listen now to find out!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Although none of this week's Creative Commons sound effects require attribution, we want to be sure to mention freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We did use some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Horse Riding, by Wes Otis
Sewers - Old City Sewers, by Phil Archer
Evocation Spell - Orb of Acid, by Marco Imperatori
Fighter Academy - Halls of the Battleborn - Score Music, by Phil Archer
Unarmed Strike - Monk High Punch, by Marco Imperatori
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday May 16, 2022
Creation Corner: Worldbuilders, featuring Mat
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Creation Corner: This week we get a chance to share some time with Worldbuilder Mat, who GMs for a home group when he's not editing for his passion project, the Role Play Chat podcast (https://anchor.fm/roleplaychat). In this episode, we spend time talking about how Mat created and runs a maritime-based pirate campaign, and some fun and unique aspects this style of game introduces.
In the episode, Mat mentions several points of inspiration. One of these is the Pirate History podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-pirate-history-podcast/id1092818618), a go-to for all sorts of great ideas.
Finally, we invite you to join our family friendly Discord server! Please check us out at https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday May 23, 2022
Creation Corner: Worldbuilders, featuring Bryan
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Creation Corner: Hungry for more worldbuilding ideas? Then you're going to love our conversation with Bryan Cetroni, who is perhaps better known as Bjarke the Bard. When he's not running games, Bryan serves as a muse for dungeon masters thanks to his advice blog, BjarkeTheBard.com. If you're looking for great advice based on personal experience, you're going to love what Bryan has to share.
If you're interested in continuing the conversation, you can send your thoughts our way on Twitter, Instagram, or through our Discord server. Also, you can catch Bryan directly through his account on Twitter, @BryanCetroni. Also in this episode, Bryan mentions some sense-immersion through candles available from @delvecandles. If you're looking for an easy way to set the mood at your gaming table, check out the options at delvecandles.com.
Finally, we invite you to join our family friendly Discord server! Please check us out at https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Special - No Rest for the Wicked
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Special: In other parts of the world, more events are taking place. We drop in on a familiar friend doing unfamiliar things. Listen now to find out what happens!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Horse.mp3 is a copyright of 3bagbrew
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Crypts of the Undead - Where the Dead Dwell - Score Music, by Wilddog Productions
Skirmish Dramatic - The Ambush - Score Music, by Matias Godoy
Crypts of the Undead - Calling of the Empty Ones - Score Music, by Justin Bell
Undead Battle, by Wes Otis
Ghoul - Combat -Spell-Fused Ghoul Battle, by Andreas Voukrou
Nature Claimed Ruins - The Ruins of Loardamere - Score Music, by Raphael Bellamy
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Special - Lying in Wait
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Special: Silence descends after the party leaves the mountain retreat of the resistance fighters. Follow some parallel events as things begin to come to a boil in the region.
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our new spots for Dice Envy and Battlebards use music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Urban Center - Village of Gnomes - Score Music by Moises Alvarez
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
Blacksmith hammering is a copyright of Pashee
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Hovoset vauhkona, hevosjoukko / Horses going wild, skittish, neighing and snorting, hooves, mix is a copyright of YleArkisto
Cinema Boom impact #1 is a copyright of beman87
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Ancient Chamber - Tomb of the Starborn - Score Music, by Alexander Kochetkov
Horse Riding, by Wes Otis
Skirmish Dramatic - The Ambush - Score Music, by Matias Godoy
Weather - Medium Wind, by Olivier Girardot
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Special - 250th Episode Extravaganza!
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Special: The Stack o' Dice gang takes a few minutes to reflect on four years of episodes. As of Monday of this week, we've shared 250 episodes of content, to include our main actual play story, worldbuilding ideas, and other special stuff. We hope you'll join in the celebration, and do feel free to share your favorite moments, questions, and other thoughts with us on social media. And don't forget our Discord server!
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Ep 123 - Close Escape
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Ep 123: The escape effort continues as the party moves to the next phase in the plan. Nothing is guaranteed, however, especially since the guards are on the alert. Listen now to find out what happens next in our ongoing story!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Also, if you aren't on our Discord server yet, you should be! Check it out here: https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
Battering ram banging on a door is a copyright of schots
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Horse Whinny, Close, A.wav is a copyright of InspectorJ
Cinema Boom impact #1 is a copyright of beman87
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Alter Self, by Wes Otis
Doors and Portals - Barred Door Opening, by Franco Cugusi
Breaking - Simple Wood Shield Sundered, by Pablo Betancourt
Sewers - Old City Sewers, by Phil Archer
Fireball Spell, by Daniel Warneke
Evocation Spell - Moon Path, by Maria Milewska
Great City - Glory Castle - Score Music, by Ben Chandler
Travel by Horseback - Light Horse - Sprint - No Equipment, by Luca Klingbeil
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Ep 124 - Deliver Your Children
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Ep 124: Putting the noisome sewers behind them, the party looks to the plains beyond the city for safety, but more trouble is brewing as the brewing battle looms ever larger. Listen now to find out what happens next in our ongoing story!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Also, if you aren't on our Discord server yet, you should be! Check it out here: https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Explosion is a copyright of lwiploppenisse
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Great City - Glory Castle - Score Music, by Ben Chandler
Heavenly Plane - Celestia - Score Music, by M-Owl
Evocation Spell - Light of the Nephilim, by Ravi Nidamarthy
Travel by Horseback - Heavy Horse - Relaxed - Basic Equipment, by Olivier Girardot
Flail - Hit 3, by Wes Otis
Celtic Battle, by Wes Otis
Evocation Spell - Arson, by Edwin Montgomery
Travel by Horseback - Light Horse - Sprint - No Equipment, by Luca Klingbeil
Forgotten Chamber - Power Unfaded - Score Music, by Dimitris Vachaviolos
Weather - Medium Wind, by Olivier Girardot
Churches of Good - Prayer to the Sun God - Source Music, by Maria Milewska
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Ep 125 - The Impossible Dream
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Ep 125: By escaping from a city choked with the forces of the Reaver, the party has finished one harrowing adventure, but there's more to be done in the fight for freedom. What awaits our heroes on the plains of Trand? Listen now to find out what happens next in our ongoing story!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Also, if you aren't on our Discord server yet, you should be! Check it out here: https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show, but they don't require attribution. Be sure to check out freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Urban Center - Aremenelos the Golden - Score Music, by M-Owl
Travel by Horseback - Light Horse - Sprint - No Equipment, by Luca Klingbeil
Hidden Realm - Palace of the Under Gods - Score Music, by Phil Archer
Nature Claimed Ruins - Hallowed Grounds - Score Music, by Marc Cholette
Fighter Academy - Halls of the Battleborn - Score Music, by Phil Archer
Crypts of the Undead - Restless Souls - Score Music, by Phil Archer
Weather - Medium Wind, by Olivier Girardot
Summon Wind, by Wes Otis
Skirmish Dramatic - The Ambush - Score Music, by Matias Godoy
Evocation Spell - Memory Rot, by Marc Cholette
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Ep 126 - Witch Hunt
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Ep 126: It's time to end Season 4 in this exciting episode! After a troubling vision, Wamberbash knows trouble looms in the mountains above Seragavan. What will the party find when they fly there? Listen now to find out what happens next in our ongoing story!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Also, if you aren't on our Discord server yet, you should be! Check it out here: https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Explosion is a copyright of lwiploppenisse
crying.wav is a copyright of drotzruhn
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Nature Claimed Ruins - A Haunted Land - Score Music, by Theophile Demarcq
Evocation Spell - Handfire, by Matias Godoy
Crypts of the Undead - Where the Dead Dwell - Score Music, by Wilddog Productions
Evocation Spell - Wall of Ice, by Edwin Montgomery
Haunted Cemetery - Cemetery Residents - Score Music, by Joseph Pignato
Enchantment - Hypnotism Spell, by Novak Cuic
Evocation Spell - Memory Rot, by Marc Cholette
Evocation Spell - Arson, by Edwin Montgomery
Evocation Spell - Shocking Grasp, by Abilio Salmeron
Ice Blast Spell, by Pitch Michael
Weather - Medium Wind, by Olivier Girardot
Evocation Spell - Ice Storm, by Marco Imperatori
Large Explosion 2 with glass, by Wes Otis
Hidden Realm - Witness to Centuries - Score Music, by Mike Bridge
Elven Dirge - Immortal's End - Score Music, by Eric Richards
Elven Dirge - Mennai Um Vela Ata - Source Music, by GoofParade
Echoes of the Past - Bygone Epoch - Source Music, by Maria Milewska
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Special - Welcome to Level 13, Tira
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Special: Join us as Rhett and Meredith talk through Tira's new abilities at level 13! The outrageous barbarian adds even more fuel to her fiery temper, so tune in now to see what that's all about!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our new spots for Dice Envy and Battlebards use music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We did use some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Nature Claimed Ruins - The Raven City - Score Music, by Raphael Bellamy
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Special: Welcome to Level 13, Wamberbash
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Special: Wamberbash has made it through many trials and challenges to get to level 13. Join us as we talk through what Michael picks up for his favorite character, and what he sees in Bash's future!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/stackodice, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
Our spot for Battlebards uses music from Battlebards! We hope you like our use of:
Capital City - Middlegate - Score Music by Shams Ahsan
And our recap uses this Battlebards song:
Downtime - Blood Eagle - Score Music by Alexander Nakarada
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
Also, if you aren't on our Discord server yet, you should be! Check it out here: https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E
We used some Creative Commons sound effects and music in this show. For the sake of attribution, we list them here. The following were taken from freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution Noncommercial license:
TribalDrums.wav is a copyright of HerbertBoland
Sound effects that fall under the Attribution license:
Wood Creak.wav is a copyright of TimPryor
We also used some excellent Battlebards sound effects. If you like what you hear, check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
Here are the sound effects we used in this episode:
Heavenly Plane - Crystal Arch - Score Music, by Ian Fisher
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Special - Season 4 Blooper Reel - Part 1
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Special: The season isn't complete until we share our gaffes and giggles from throughout the season. We sure do love getting together, and it shows. We hope you enjoy what we've put together, and stay tuned for the second half next week!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/?rfsn=2189820.f8fe99, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
And now, on with the show-- we hope you enjoy the ensuing silliness.
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Special - Season 4 Blooper Reel - Part 2
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Special: The season isn't complete until we share our gaffes and giggles from throughout the season. We sure do love getting together, and it shows. We hope you enjoy this second half, and we have a couple more things to release before we roll into Season 5!
Stack o' Dice is an official affiliate of Dice Envy. Use this special link, https://diceenvy.com/?rfsn=2189820.f8fe99, to buy your next set of dice, and you'll also help support our show!
We're glad you're sharing our story; we really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy what we've created together. We're having fun sharing our adventure with you each week, and we'll only get better with time! If you like what you hear, please take the time to leave us a review on iTunes, since that bumps us up in the ratings and lets others join in the fun. For quick updates on a more real-time basis, follow us on Twitter (@stackodice) and on Instagram (@stackodice), where we'd love to hear from you. Or if you want to share a question or idea with us, drop us a line at stack.o.dice@gmail.com.
And now, on with the show-- we hope you enjoy the ensuing silliness.
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Creation Corner: Summer Trip Inspiration
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Creation Corner: This summer, part of the Stack o' Dice family went on a trip to Maine. It was a beautiful trip to a gorgeous part of the country. Join us as Rhett and Meredith take the time to break down the trip and find ways to tie their adventures into the world of Vardalon. There are so many ways to enrich a game world, and we share a few ideas on how to take vacation experiences and incorporate them with your game.
Don't forget to look for the related photos soon on our Twitter and Instagram feeds, or in our family friendly Discord server (https://discord.com/invite/sUUJp78r3E).
We didn't use any Creative Commons sound effects this time, but we still like to give credit to freesound.org, a fantastic resource for completely free sound effects.
We also did not use some any Battlebards sound effects, but check them out at battlebards.com. If you sign up for a Prime account, be sure to use our special code, stack, and you'll get a 20% discount on your subscription.
And now, on with the show-- we're excited to tell a story with you.